Nov 5, 2007

To Wed

I shot a wedding in Angier with The Autumn Agency ( this past weekend. I've probably filmed/photographed/played guitar in some 15 weddings now. Come to realize that Christian weddings are really more beautiful. There is a reverence about the whole ceremony. The crowd is expectant. The preacher sincere. The couple gleaming. The reception dry (usually). That translates into an easy shoot, because I feel like I'm part of 'their day.' There is warmth.
Non-Christian weddings are almost the exact opposite. Sure, happy people, but there is a stench of alcohol, cigarette smoke, inappropriate joking, materialism, and overall banality. It's just a motion with status attached and some tax relief. Plus, your there until 12 a.m. filming because drunk people don't know how to stop dancing.

It's plagiarism, to be honest here. Marriage was created by God. That's why we have it. It's a gift to explain a covenant He made with us. You disrespect that when you give no credit to whom credit is due.

Now, as to why Christian marriages are ending up in divorce at the same rate as the rest of the world, I do not know. I don't really respect that statistic, because I've only heard it in sermons. I'll look it up on Barna later.

Okay, now some fun facts!
*Men, you leave your last coat button unbuttoned, so you can draw your sword. It's an old tradition, obviously.
*Firefox is about 58x better than Safari.
*Cariobu launches its Christmas promotions tomorrow. Ridiculous. We're classy though...waited until after Halloween. Oh, and the theme is equally as ridiculous: "Rule Your Yule." I can't even say that clearly.
*Everyone should read the last 2 chapters in "Above All Earthly Pow'rs" by David Wells.
*I have to go to the dermatologist to get cancerous skin removed from my leg.



Anonymous said...

Holla - I wrote about this post at my blog. You're practically an internet phenomenon! Not really. My blog isn't that special. ;) PS: Coffee tomorrow?

unquenchableworshipper said...

hope your dermatology appointment went well..